The build of 'Underwood Tunnel' is extensively diorised on the YouTube channel.
It is constructed within a wooden box gifted to me. It features a clay scratch built bridge...
( )

...a resin pour lake ( ) ,
picnic tables, ex-wood and numerous other little scenes, cameos and people.
It also features a more unique view throught the side tunnel window which is also lit with led lighting - see the banner picture at the top.
It made its exhibition debut in November 2023
The Blurb...
'Underwood Tunnel' is an N Gauge micro layout in a wooden box. It features a lit, cut away tunnel section for additional viewing. It is a fictious place, with its own people and stories going on!'
There is a complete Playlist of the build videos available by clicking on the image below...

Have a look at the completed showreel video...